Vim has become an essential part of my development workflow. I started using Vim in the Summer of 2016 while working for a remote internship. Since I had the opportunity to spend time and learn something new, I decided that Vim was the next thing that I wanted to learn. It was a great decision that has lead me to become a more efficient coder. I became addicted to Vim so much that I created a small little script to set up my .vimrc and plugins on the engineering workstation at school. This script was especially helpful when I had to work on ECE 391 in the lab!
My favorite plugins are (ordered by use):
- ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim - Fuzzy finder
- scrooloose/nerdtree - File explorer
- tpop/vim-surround - Easy surroundings in pairs
- jiangmiao/auto-pairs - Auto insert and delete pairs
- justinmk/vim-sneak - Jump to any location specified by two characters
Here is also a link to my personal .vimrc that I have refined over the past
10 months:
Also, I have unfortunately become a vim memer over time: